In 2007, a patent was filed for delta-9 THC processing. It covered a range of organic solvents with boiling points preferably below 0C – ie “low boiling point solvents.” This fits the description of several hydrocarbons – the author preferred isobutylene, propane, butane, and cyclobutane.

This patent was validated with very pure THC – from 95-99% – nearly reagent grade. So while it validates the situation in under perfect laboratory conditions, it does not reflect the true extraction conditions that happen every day for medical and recreational extractions.

The important points of this patent are the temperatures. The desired solvent exists as a gas at room temperature, but can be in the liquid phase when put under pressure and temperature constraints. Controlled temperatures not only dictate the phase of the hydrocarbons (i.e. gas or liquid), but also prevent degradation of cannabinoids, preserve terpenes, and reduce solubility of plant lipids.

Some side notes on the choice of solvents were low toxicity, low environmental impact, and generally recognized as safe for use in pharmaceutical applications. These factors combined are some of the reason for using propane and butane as the industry standard for cannabis extractions.

That covers the theory behind the process. Below you’ll find a few points on the methods that make this a very good process.

Assuming one has an understanding of the standard closed loop extraction process, you can imagine how this process goes. You’ve passed your butane/propane through the extraction column and the extract is sitting in the collection vessel.

It does not specifically say in the patent, but there are two ways this could go. The first option is that the butane is boiled off (reclaimed) to a certain percentage, and then transferred to a secondary container. The second is that the butane is allowed to boil off without care for reclaiming. I find the second option less likely, but it is a possibility.

Assuming the first option, the partially purged extract is transferred to a second collection chamber while it is still of high enough viscosity. This process is called a cannula transfer. The second collection vessel is where there are inert conditions, and the butane/propane is evaporated off.

Solvent is evaporated by increasing the temperature of the second collection vessel and passing inert gas over the surface of the extract – in this case, I’m almost sure the author used a side-arm round bottom flask. I’ve covered the value of inert gasses in a few of my posts at Hemphacker, but it is definitely a standard operating procedure in a chemistry laboratory. In this case, they use argon gas to assist the removal of butane from the extract.

Using inert gas helps remove the solvent by changing the dynamics of partial pressures at the surface of the solution – this is a long topic and out of the scope of this article. However, the change in partial pressure increases the rate of evaporation for butane and allows one to to reduce the temperature to 4C, from what would normally be done at much higher purging temperatures. Now we’re in terpene preservation territory.

The low temperatures are beneficial because it reduces the degradation of the cannabinoids, and also keeps the terpenes in a low-volatility condition. In addition, the author claims that these temperatures make it easier to handle the extract.

As a result of evaporating off propane/butane at a lower temperature, the author claims that the invention induces a more crystalline form of the extract rather than the formation of a homogenous solid. I would hypothesize that the slow cool temperatures allow crystal formation, in what is a more gentle process that does not disrupt the nucleation of seed crystals. They claim to have shown this by x-ray diffraction, but no data is given to supplement the claim. Still, the extract is not 100% crystalline, as claimed by the author; as an analogy, think of how some parts of an extract will auto-butter before others.

One point to keep in mind is that this is a pure starting material, for the sake of explaining the invention of the process. By experience, a chemist performing extractions knows that the results vary by strain to strain, because of the different distribution of cannabinoids and terpenes.

This is a fundamental patent to understand the origins of live resin extractions. This author has several more patents on the subject, but I chose to write about this one because it was the “first mover.” The cannabis community owes much thanks to pioneers in science, who laid the way for us to preserve the ultimate essence of the plant.
I hope that you all find this interesting. Please share your thoughts and comments!

There are probably a dozen different ways to pack a column. While as a Sergeant in the Marines, I was sometimes amazed by the different interpretations my Marines would take on what I thought to be a clear set of instructions… So it goes. Everyone has their own interpretation on how to do things.

The process of packing a column is no different – everyone can have their own interpretation. In my view, there are two “best practices” in order to pack a column. I’ll explain the two and you can choose what works best for you.

Either way, your goal is to reduce the amount of condensation on the buds and the inside of the column. Condensation is the enemy because it reduces the ability of butane to solvate the lipid/waxy bilayer of the trichome – in botany, that layer is called the cuticle. If the cuticle is surrounded by frozen water, the butane can’t penetrate and the extraction efficiency decreases along with your yields.

Temperature and time.

You’ll likely have two options for freezing your buds and column. I will assume that everyone who is doing extractions has, at a minimum, a freezer capable of maintaining 0C temperatures. In this case, you will need 36-48 hours to ensure that all water has been locked up in its solid phase as ice.

If you have dry ice on hand, which most live resin extractors do, you can pack your freezer with a bed of dry ice. When you freeze your buds and/or bud packed column on dry ice, you drastically speed up the freezing process. A thin layer of freshly picked buds packed into a vacuum sealing bag will be frozen in 30 minutes. If you’ve pack it into a column, give it 2 hours to ensure a full freeze.

Method 1: pack freshly cut buds into the column and freeze.

This is probably the easiest method. Simply cut the room temperature buds up into 1/2”-1” diameter. The column should also be at room temperature. Loosely pack the column with the buds. You’re now ready to freeze the column and buds. Once fully frozen, you can begin your extraction process by vacuuming out the extractor and column.

You should vacuum out your column only after you have frozen the buds. The reasoning is that vacuuming unfrozen buds will cause the plant cell walls to rupture, releasing the water and phytochemicals that you are trying to avoid extracting in the first place.

Method 2: freeze freshly cut buds and column separately, then pack the column.

This method is just as sound as the first. Again, this is a matter of preference, but has its own merits. Cut your buds down to 1/2”-1”. Pack them into a vacuum sealed bag and evacuate the bag – as in method 1, pulling full vacuum may rupture plant cell walls. In this case, a vacuum sealer will not develop the same pressure as the vacuum pump used to evacuate your extractor. That said, the biggest benefit of this method is being able to freeze larger quantities and store them in the freezer until you’re ready to extract them.

In the meantime, you will freeze your empty column until its temperature is the same as the frozen buds. In this situation, you want to pack your column quickly to prevent condensation to form on both the buds and the interior of the column wall. Ideally, you will have a room that has a very low relative humidity. Once packed, you’re on your way to assembling the column to the extractor and start to pull a vacuum.


If you have the tools of the trade on hand – ie a vacuum sealer and dry ice – I prefer method 2. If not, you will not be at a total loss to use method 1 and just freeze the plant matter in the column. If you have several columns on hand, you’re not at much of a loss. If you have one column on hand and no vacuum sealer, you can still get by with a modified version of method 2.


As always, if you have any questions please post them in the comments section. Your questions and time are valuable and we will make every attempt to help you through your process.

Water kills butane hash oil yields

Butane picks up water during extractions and causes lower yields.

Butane picks up 3.25mL of water per liter and propane picks up 3.9mL of water per liter. To put it simply, water in butane and propane takes up space that prevents cannabinoids and terpenes from being fully extracted. That’s a problem.

How does water contaminate extractions?

Water contaminates extractions because of its effects on solubility – water in your butane and propane decreases the potential solubility of cannabinoids and terpenes, but it also picks up water soluble contaminants like plant chlorophyll, alkaloids, and flavonoids. If you’re looking for the simplest solution, just dehydrate your butane/propane. If you’re looking for perfection, purge your extractor with CO2.

Improve yields in 2 simple steps.

It’s all about the chemistry of inert conditions/reactions. There are two simple steps for high quality live resin extractions: 1. dehydrate your solvents; 2. purge your live plant materials and extractor with a dry gas like CO2. Putting together the steps of dehydrating your butane and purging your extractor will most certainly increase your yields, but it also functions to reduce contamination.

Dehydrating butane and propane is the most important step to improve yields in live resin and regular extractions.

Dehydrating your solvents is as easy as packing your extraction column with a substance such as 3A molecular sieves or activated alumina. Molecular sieves and activated alumina are used to dehydrate butane/propane in the gas phase – ie you do not pass liquid butane/propane through a column packed with these desiccants.

3A Molecular sieves are widely employed in the lab setting, where they’re used to dry solvents or keep solvents dried in the first place – they can hold up to 19-20% of their water weight. Molecular sieves are also FDA Approved for direct contact with consumable products. Activated alumina has a higher water capacity. It’s used in number of industrial drying applications for hydrocarbons, but there isn’t sufficient data proving its safety beyond “Satisfactory” compatibility with butane and propane.

Check out the post about recovery pump setup and see how to set up a system that will effectively dehydrate your butane and propane.

Desiccant math made easy.

You need to do little math to figure out how much space your molecular sieves will take up, and to figure out how many grams of molecular sieves you need. Molecular sieves cost approximately $100/500g, but they are nearly infinitely reusable. You can regenerate or dehydrate them by heating them up in a vacuum oven and pulling full vacuum. Here’s the math:

lbpergaltokgperliter (1)

Most extraction artists use US pounds to measure their butane, so we have to do a few conversions. Let’s say you have 12 pounds of butane. You need to convert it to kilograms, so you can take into account the density of butane (assume 1bar/14.5psi and 20C/67F); you use the density to convert the mass (i.e. weight) of the butane into a volume (liters). Now you can multiply the number of liters by the water:butane conversion factor to determine the amount of water that the 12 pounds of butane can hold. Finally, multiply the amount of water in your butane by the water capacity of the molecular sieves. This shows you minimum number of milliliters or grams of molecular sieves you need to dehydrate your butane. That said, 675mL of molecular sieves weighs approximately 1000g. Buy two 500g containers and you’re home free.


Dehydrating your butane is a step forward in improving your extractions. Not only does water in butane decrease extraction efficiency, but it also causes increases the extraction of plant contaminants like chlorophyll, alkaloids, and flavonoids. If you’re looking for perfection, you’re going to run your extractor like an organic chemist synthesizing a compound under inert conditions. You’re drying off all the water from the extractor walls with a hot air gun, then you’re pumping out the water trapped in the atmosphere by pulling a full vacuum. These steps make for a higher quality and more consistent product.


Thermodynamic properties of butane and propane:



Activated alumina:



Molecular sieves:



As always, if you have any questions please post them in the comments section. Your questions and time are valuable and we will make every attempt to help you through your process.

This is how a chemist makes live resin, attending to every detail. Sometimes the additional work is well worth the reward. Every person running an extractor is a scientist in one way or another. Over time, you test things, figure out what works, and you have the best possible product. If you are looking to maximize the quality of your extracts, consider these points.

Inert conditions are important for humidity control.

The amount of humidity in the air is dependent on where you live – Denver is generally dry, whereas Seattle is generally humid. If you’re in Seattle or any other humidity prone area, inert conditions are important to factor into making a high quality product. That starts with running a dehumidifier at full blast in the room that you’re preparing your fresh plant materials in.

Drying your inert gas.

Argon is the ultimate and preferred inert gas. Alternatively, everyone has access to CO2, and drying off CO2 is an easy process with anhydrous calcium chloride. Pack a small column with filters at either end and pass your CO2 gas through the column. This can be used directly in-line from your CO2 cylinder into your extractor as well as to purge the bags you’re freezing your plant material in.

Inert conditions in an extractor.

One of the first steps of performing a closed loop extraction is to vacuum out the extractor. There are a few reasons to do this. One reason is to remove as much air as possible in order to prevent a potential explosion from oxygen mixing with butane. The second reason is to create a vacuum in the closed loop system that will pull liquid butane into the extractor from the recovery tank. While pulling a vacuum on an extractor removes most of the air, water can still be left behind in a very thin layer – i.e. a monolayer.

Purging your extractor with inert gas or dried CO2 helps remove the water monolayer of condensation.

The purpose of purging your extractor is the same as the purging your bag filled with fresh plant material (see below) – you’re removing the ambient humidity that would otherwise condense on the walls of your extractor and contaminate your extract. Dried CO2 gas can be run through the extractor to help eliminate water.

Vacuum out your entire extraction system. Once vacuumed, fill the extractor with dried CO2 from an inlet port. Allow the extractor to completely fill up with the CO2. Allow a portion of the CO2 to escape the extractor, releasing more ambient humidity, then vacuum the extractor back down to it’s maximum vacuum. There are several ways to go about this process, and it really depends on the design of your extractor.

You can repeat this process, but in reality the first CO2 purge followed by pulling a vacuum on the extractor will take care of the remaining water that was in the atmosphere of the extractor.

Minimum standards for inert conditions and removing the water monolayer of condensation from your extractor.

I get it – purging with CO2 sounds like it adds a lot of work. The minimum standard to achieve inert conditions is quite simple: heat and dry off the interior of your extractor with a hot air gun (aka blow dryer). This dries off the monolayer of water that will have condensed onto the interior surface of the extractor. Once you’ve dried off all interior surfaces of the extractor, seal off the extractor, and purge to full vacuum. Close off all open ports to the extractor and allow it to cool down. Connect your column and begin your normal extraction procedure.

If you’re going the extra mile, complete the minimum standards described above, then fill the extractor with CO2, and pull another vacuum.

Purging live plant materials with dried CO2 prevents water condensation during freezing.

Purging live plant materials prior to freezing is mentioned in the temperature post here on Hemp Hacker, but it’s also touched on here. The reason for purging your fresh plant materials before freezing is that there is humidity in the air/atmosphere. That atmospheric humidity has a tendency to condense on the buds as they are freezing. Purging your freezer bags prior to freezing reduces this tendency.

Dried CO2 gas is ideal to purge with because it displaces the ambient air/humidity from the bag that’s used to freeze the plant materials. The trick is to make sure all humidity is out of the bag – about 3X the bag volume is a good amount, and you can be relatively sure that all the ambient humidity is purged out. Once purged, the bag can be vacuum sealed and frozen in a freezer, or even better and faster by submerging the bag in a dry ice/ethanol bath.


If you’re in to making the highest quality products, purge both your plant materials and your extractor with dried CO2 gas. These two steps reduce the amount of water in your starting materials and will reduce the tendency of auto buttering extract. In addition, it will improve the stability of your extract.


As always, if you have any questions please post them in the comments section. Your questions and time are valuable and we will make every attempt to help you through your process.

Minimum standards for making live resin hash oil extracts

So what is a bare bones method to making live resin? Well, just about any extractor can be made to meet the minimum standards of a terpene rich extract. Whether you’re trying to go with fresh frozen material, or material that is just about ready to start curing, you can do your best to preserve terpenes and minimize the amount of plant waxes that are extracted. I’ll keep this post short, since most of this information is covered in other posts.

Step 1: dehydrate your butane.

This is a simple step that few extraction artists I’ve spoken to take advantage of. If there’s one thing that helps the extraction process, it’s this. If you don’t dehydrate your butane, you increase the chances of there being blockages in the column or even your braided stainless steel hoses caused by freezing water. In addition, it improves the extraction efficiency because water will change up the solubility properties of the butane.

Hands down, putting 3A molecular sieves in-line on the low pressure side of your recovery pump will improve your extraction efficiency. It’s not hard to do, and it will improve your process and end product.

Step 2: freeze your plant materials.

Whether you’ve chosen to run fresh frozen, dry your buds to the point before curing, or cure your buds, you’re going to benefit from freezing them before extracting. This equilibrates the temperature of the buds to the temperature of the butane, and reduces the amount of plant waxes pulled during an extraction. In step 3, you’re going to freeze your butane. Now imagine this mass of buds packed into your column, and both the buds and the column are at room temperature. Now imagine that -50C butane rifling into the column and hitting buds and stainless steel that are at a warm 20C…

You can surely see where this is going – the butane will be warmed up and the buds will be cooled down. When that happens, you’re defeating the purpose of chilling your butane in the first place – you’re now extracting the very plant waxes that you were trying to avoid extracting in the first place! The point is, try to make everything as cold as possible to get the best results. Terpene rich extracts are higher quality and have more medicinal potential – don’t skimp out on this simple step that anyone can accomplish.

Step 3: freeze your butane.

This is perhaps the simplest step to take to improve your extractions. If you’re going to take any steps towards making live resin, freeze your plant materials, column, and butane. You don’t necessarily have to dehydrate your butane, but if you take steps 2 and 3 into account, you’ll certainly improve your product.

While you may not have dry ice on hand, you do likely have ice on hand just for the sake of recovering your butane. Take the time to submerge your recovery cylinder in an ice bath. That ice bath can be dry ice with denatured alcohol, or it can just be ice, salt, and water. Either way, this step will reduce the amount of waxes that are butane soluble by reducing temperature.

Step 4: cold purge.

While you may not have the capacity to purge your extract with an inert gas (e.g. dried CO2 gas), you do have the ability to extract at room temperature and pull a full vacuum, assuming you have a vacuum chamber. The boiling point of butane is -0.5C at standard atmospheric pressure (1 bar/1 atm/14.5 PSI). When you pull a vacuum, you reduce the boiling point, and a major factor becomes time. Give an extract enough time at room temperature while under vacuum, and you’ll be able to pull off all the butane while preserving terpenes.

While it’ll be different for every situation (elevation, room temperature, quality of vacuum), 5 days at room temperature with a full vacuum will purge out your butane and leave you with a terpene rich extract. For smokable forms, I always suggest having a residual solvents test run by your local testing facility to make sure that you’re below the threshold for butane.


These four steps will take you well on your way to higher quality extracts that preserve terpenes. If you can start working in this direction you’ll be using the trade secrets that some of the best extraction artists use day in and day out. Best of luck and enjoy those terpenes!


As always, if you have any questions please post them in the comments section. Your questions and time are valuable and we will make every attempt to help you through your process.