

HempHacker is an Open-Source Inspired website dedicated to taking action. We share the details to design your process using Manufacturing Standards of the Pharmaceutical Industry. From writing Standard Operating Procedures, to running a Hydrocarbon Extractor or Supercritical Extractor, you'll learn how to implement it yourself - it's a wide range of information, but it all ties together. We make information actionable and help you build a Quality Management Program:

One of Top Three Pathogens Identified by the FDA not Widely Addressed in Cannabis Regulations
The Food and Drug Administration is a government agency that uses scientific principals and tools to determine if food items[...]
Water Activity within a Cannabis HACCP program
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) program have scientifically established critical limits.  The[...]
Canna-Tech Tel Aviv 2018
We attend a lot of conferences. There is one that has been more informative and impactful than any other for[...]
Orion GMP Solutions Recognized as International GMP Compliance Firm
Last month an article in the Motley Fool highlighted the newly acquired EU GMP certification for Aurora Cannabis. With exportation of[...]
Introduction to Cannabis Safety
It is easy to become overwhelmed with the idea of working with cannabis in a production environment. Cannabis cultivation itself is[...]
8 GMP Cannabis Production Safety Tips
Keeping track of all the biology, chemistry, and engineering used to determine how to produce safe foods, food additives, and[...]
Growing CBD Crystals
Based on my lab experiences, I had an idea in mind for how I would purify CBD. Now it is[...]
California Cannabis Business Licensing – how we represent
Are you interested in having Orion GMP Solutions represent your California Cannabis Business? We're here to help from applications to[...]
Cannabis Chemistry: Conversion of THC to CBD
CBDecomissioning THC There are reported methods and patents for converting CBD into THC and for maximizing THC production, but what[...]
California Update – Review of the Final Emergency Regulations for Manufacturers
This past Thursday, the California Bureau of Cannabis Control (BCC) released their Emergency Regulations. This is an update to the[...]
Cannabis Marketing 101 and FDA 483 Warning Letters
Last week, the FDA sent out 483 Warning Letters to four cannabis manufacturers. This brings the total to 44 letters[...]
Purification methods: Cannabinoid Recrystallization
Growing Crystals. One pretty reliable recrystallization technique involves a mixed solvent system. For this, you will need two solvents of[...]
Bisiani – “A Therapeutic Alternative…”
When we meet people that are moving the cannabis industry in the right direction, we take note and listen up.[...]
Lessons from CannaTech UK 2017
CannaTech is a high intensity event. The stakeholders are made up of high quality groups that provide amazing knowledge and[...]
MedReleaf Manufacturing Medicinal GMP Cannabis to ICH Guidelines
Manufacturing cannabis is difficult enough. Manufacturing Medicinal GMP Cannabis is working a whole different level. It is bringing the industry[...]

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